Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs: “The Rival”

Bed bugs have a nasty way of contaminating and overtaking – don’t let your place of work become theirs. Commonly found in schools, hospitals, and apartment complexes, they are known for sneaky infestation and unwanted bites. Our team at All-Pro knows how to determine and find if there are bed bugs, and carry-out a safe and effective solution. This will guarantee their elimination and help prevent further infestation.


What To Know…

This pest gets its name from the fact that it is usually found in close proximity to beds. That’s because bed bugs need the blood of warm-blooded animals to survive. Bed bugs can multiply quickly, and in a short amount of time, a few can turn into a full-on infestation of thousands and then live about seven to 12 months. When present in beds, the bed bug feeds, then retreats back to its place of harborage for days or even weeks before coming back out. This can make detection difficult until the infestation is well established, which makes detection critical to break the bed bug life cycle before they become a much bigger problem.

Threats & Prevention

Bed bugs can be hard to spot. Often reported in ER beds, schools, or apartment buildings- the need is immediate, and you don’t have room for downtime. Some common indicators are blood stains on sheets, bug residue or fecal matter. The obvious signs of an infestation would be the insects themselves, but their bites are also blatant proof- these are raised, red welts that can cause burning and/or itching. When the signs of an infestation aren’t obvious, accurate inspection and identification require an experienced pest management professional. Once the inspection is complete, pests have been identified and the infestation severity determined, our on-call, professional pest control experts will design a customized bed bug plan around your specific need.

The Game Plan

.01: Inspection

The first step for All-Pro is to determine whether or not activity is currently present on your property or not. This helps us properly determine how to customize your plan.

.02: Customized Plan

No two plans are 100% alike. Each company has unique structural and layout features that require us to determine how best to protect your business. We select the right placement, treatments, and ongoing services to help provide a pest-free environment.

.03: Scheduled Review

No plan would be complete with a “set it and forget it” approach. A proper Game Plan requires ongoing maintenance and inspections to make sure that your property stays pest free and there are no new threats that have emerged.


Bed Bug Related Questions

To learn more about how we can protect your business, read on to get the answers to frequently asked questions or contact us directly for more information!

Q: What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small, nocturnal insects that feed on blood. Despite their name, bed bugs can be found in a variety of environments outside of bedding such as furniture, walls, office buildings, college dormitories etc. Recently bed bugs have undergone a massive resurgence and are quickly becoming a worldwide problem.

Q: What do bed bugs look like?

Adults are small, brownish insects, just under a ¼” long and are relatively flat. They are nearly as wide as they are long, and oval in shape. Immature bed bugs (nymphs) resemble the adults, but are much smaller and lighter in color. Newly hatched nymphs are translucent and are no bigger than a pinhead (1 mm).

Q: Do bed bugs transmit disease? What are their bite symptoms?

No. Although bed bugs carry over 28 human pathogens, there has been no documented case of bed bugs transmitting disease. The medical concerns of bed bugs are typically limited to the itching and inflammation associated with their bite. The bites effects are similar to allergic reactions and can vary from itchy welts to a severe and painful rashes that requires medical attention. Often, the emotional trauma associated with discovering a bed bug infestation is considerable.

Q: How do you get bed bugs?

Bed bugs need to be introduced into an environment. They do not jump or fly but are excellent hitch-hikers and can be transported on clothing, luggage, used furniture and various other objects. Risk for bed bug exposure increases in several of the following situations:

  • Purchasing or using second-hand furniture and mattresses.
  • Entertaining or being an overnight guest.
  • Staying in hotels, college dormitories, boarding schools.
  • Children coming home from summer camp.

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